What is this Blog?

This is just my blog about social networking in general, and how it seems to be causing people that use them to become slowly desensitized to human love. The last 10 years I have seen so many messed up things and this blog will uncover those things as they happen. Feel free to send in whatever you have as long as it is backed up with some sort of facts such as audio, or video. Do NOT send me chat logs that are not a clear screen shot. you can send whatever to deshi@wickedradio.org.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Vaughn Live supports racism

Well funny on the vaughn live website in the rules it specifically says they do not tolerate racism. Yet James_Anderson is always spreading hate against jews and other people. Today was no exception. Here is some screen shots as it portrays Ryderbak following like a sheep to get fame as a hater.

Also got an earful about "all gays are pedophiles", and even more rants on NAMBLA. This guy should be locked in a hole somewhere and left to die. Coward cannot even take his mask off. He also claims to be a millionaire and all this wealth but his mask sucks, his cam sucks, and his mic sucks. I feel this is the downfall of yet another casting website as it slowly fills up now with people just like this guy, and the glorious bitch of a community manager miss scruffy refuses to do anything about these people, and same with her sheeple son mark. They ignore reports, and go as far to say now you can no longer attach proof to your reports. And with the previous unbanning of everyone is a sure sign they are desperate to have site numbers most likely in an attempt to get funding so they can stop using a shitty server in marks closet. I think if any potential advertisers of any merit saw what is going on with the vaughn site they would most likely not support it. I know I sure wouldn't support anything that had filth like this on it, when the site mission statement says yes it is an 18+ site that is not meant to be for nudity or hate but to be classy. They actually use the word classy but there is anything but class on this website. I had no idea that breaking open cases of sports cards, or ranting racists, or lying perverts, and pedophiles, and sex offenders was classy. I guess i should go back to school and get a different type of education on the word classy.

On a side note adamblows is now using the girl profile picture again in an attempt to get further up the list lol. As if people are that foolish adam. The only way Adam gets attention is by lying and convincing naive girls of his lies in hopes they will attract attention. Adam I applaud your stupidity man. You sir are truly mentally challenged.

And more of an update as i sit listening to this sack hole cast.
From Ryderbak proving he is utterly worthless as a human being and should be scourged to death.
This is horrible for him to say if you are a child and get raped it is your fault! We will see how well the vaughn's handle this situation. I saw several people saying they reported him for that, which i bet gets ignored. And if they reported him I hope they reported this guy. But hey like ScuffaDuff will say we are not here to babysit your channel! More like they are not wanting to do anything about anything so they can keep the site hits flowing. Vaughn is the toilet of the casting sites, watching everyone circle around waiting for the deep flush into the abyss of no return.

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