What is this Blog?

This is just my blog about social networking in general, and how it seems to be causing people that use them to become slowly desensitized to human love. The last 10 years I have seen so many messed up things and this blog will uncover those things as they happen. Feel free to send in whatever you have as long as it is backed up with some sort of facts such as audio, or video. Do NOT send me chat logs that are not a clear screen shot. you can send whatever to deshi@wickedradio.org.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Kengar the King of Bullshit!

Here is kengar's version of ultimate metal! woot! had no idea that bon jovi was anything more than an old rustic hair metal band. I thought i would at least hear some slayer. Also notice Ashley34 and Adambro is in there all the trash seem to hang together because they all believe each others lies.

Bonus screen cap. Funny Kengar was caught in lies the other day with me and he just banned me. Today he thought I was scuttlebutt. Thanks for thinking that you paranoid freak lol. Kengar should be on a registered internet sex offender list of some sort. Hmm... maybe we should all get our content together and start a e-sex-offender database. Gotta love the power of the internet and what you can get away with posting.

1 comment:

  1. kengar protects his baby adambro when I asked about adam's fake mod accounts he purged me and told me that mod discussion is not allowed
