Well the infamous Adambro21 on yawn live is on this afternoon with a dose of reality. Well we all knew he was "tabbing" to boost himself up higher on the top bar on the site. Well that doesn't go unseen by Mark for very long. Mark can see hmm the viewer count doesn't match how many are actually in the room. This is partly an error of Mark's for making his top bar work funky the way it does. The top bar should really be based on actual viewer count and now how many people are in the channel. The viewer count will only count an IP one time, anything more and it is ignored. Well when I see the top bar wayyyyyy at the end is Adambro21 with 18 mods in his channel and he is damn near dead last on the site list. Well being a blooger I figured I would investigate this a bit further and expose so more truths. So I screen capped every profile of all the mods that were in there, and I noticed a pattern, and other things. You all can see it right here.

Notice the lack of any profile information or friends.
Not even a profile photo on most of these.
Recognize this photo? It was adambro21's profile photo for a long time. Is this a coincidence? I think not.
Now you all can be the judge of is Adam completely full of shit, or is he the victim of liars on the Internet? I think it is the former.
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